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You are required to create a proposal for a piece of radical architecture relating to its context.

This will necessitate you doing site research, Taking site photographs conceiving of designing and produce a reduced scale Maquette[1] of an architectural proposal relating to its context.

Think of how you can create a physical structure. Try to be as inventive and creative as possible, whilst ensuring that your outcome communicates its meaning clearly. You can use any materials, techniques, and processes you consider to be practical and relevant but within the assignment, you must include the application of digital imagery. You will digitally superimpose your final 3D model within its intended setting as part of your proposal. You will present the proposal aspect of the blog for a group crit.

Your blog will be the source of assessment and all aspects of the design process from brief to evaluation / critical response must be recorded!

  1. A Maquette is a small-scale model or rough draft of an architectural work or a sculpture


Conceptual Ideas


For my initial brainstorming, I wanted to look at three things that Sheffield is known for. First of all, I decided to look at its steel industry because this is what Sheffield is probably most famous for. Secondly, I wanted to look at some of Sheffield’s architecture, one of the most iconic to me is the Park Hill flats. This is one of the first structures you see upon arriving in Sheffield by train.

The flats were designed by Jack Lynn and Ivor Smith and construction began in 1957 under the supervision of J Lewis Womersley, who was Sheffield’s City Architect The flats were inspired by the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier’s “Unite d’Habitation” that was completed in 1952 in the port city of Marseille in southern France.


Finally, I wanted to point out something that is probably not that apparent to most people. According to Sheffield City Council, Sheffield is the greenest city in Europe. It is estimated that there are around 4.5 million cannabis plants in Sheffield which works out at around 9 marijuanas per person. Unfortunately, this may no longer be the case since the council has hired the sub-contractors Amey to lead their Streets Ahead project. This project is a long-term 25-year maintenance project that will see the city’s streets transformed from some of Britain’s worst roads. The project hit controversy last year in 2017 when Amey began cutting down healthy trees and ignoring protests from residents and experts alike.

Development of Ideas

My initial idea was to make a modern house incorporating brutalist architecture with an industrial feel while also addressing the environmental aspect of my concept.  The images of steel casts gave me the idea to make planters that could be incorporated into the building. Another idea was to have a strip of iron that divided the house, the iron would rust naturally giving a nice orange colour to the metal and this would represent the molten steel that is poured into casts.

For my next concept, I wanted to look at the  Sheffield Forgemasters logo and use this shape to form a building. My idea was to make this building into a museum celebrating all things linked to Sheffield’s history with the steel industry. I think that the Forgemasters building is iconic, with its huge black corrugated steel walls and roof dwarfing the surrounding buildings. I wanted my building to imitate this and decided to keep the overall building black. The central core would be clad in a poly-carbonate material that would be illuminated at night, this would represent the steel ingots that were cast in the Forgemasters building.

For my final concept, I began looking at different types of steel casts. Some of the shapes were quite simple and others looked very intricate and almost alien. I thought that a good way to incorporate this aspect of the idea would be to make another building in the shape of one of these casts.

I also wanted to the building to look modern and clean with lots of straight lines like the brutalist structures that are still visible in Sheffield today. Furthermore, I needed to incorporate green spaces into the building, I like the idea of having gardens in the sky and my idea would be to incorporate these green spaces between levels.


Patrick Blanc is a French botanist and designer who invented the concept of the vertical garden and has been on a quest to green walls across the planet with his plant-based creations for the last 25 years. I have been aware of “Living Walls” now for some years and this is definitely something that I think would work well in my design. I would also like these “Sky Gardens” to be accessible to the public so it would be preferable if they were traditionally horizontal in design.

I really like the ideas of  Stefano Boeri’s “Forest City.” In this project, Stefano proposes to use a staggering 40,000 trees and over 1 million plants. Each tree and plant species will have its own function, from absorbing CO2 to creating new habitats for wildlife and insects.

Architectural Styles

I now want to look at different styles of British architecture and compare them with architecture from another country such as China.

I like the clean minimalist look of contemporary architecture that is present in England today, there are lots of different materials used that work in harmony with each other.

Threefold Architects

Strom Architects

Adam Knibb Architects

Safdiear Architects

Bold, Clean and Minimalist seem to be the present style of  Western European architecture, while the East seem to take a more fluid and organic approach.

Tonkin Liu



Primary Research

I now began looking at different architectural styles of the buildings in Sheffield from past to present. I wanted to see if there are any ideas that I can take and incorporate into my project.


Concept Design

I now have a pretty good idea of how I want my final project to look, I took my inspiration from the L′Unité d’Habitation by French architect Le Corbusier and also aspects of The Park Hill flats. I have also been inspired by the vertical gardens of the French botanist Patric Blanc, and the “Forest City” designed by Italian architect and urban planner Stefano Boeri.

I began to sketch down my ideas and try to explain the reasoning behind my concepts.


3D Model

I am now at a stage where I can begin to think about making my 3D model, I have decided to use 6mm MDF that I will cut out on the laser cutter. I now need to think about how the structure best fits together before I begin to put the design into Illustrator. My first thought was to make the walls of the structure out of panels, but I soon realized how difficult this would be to construct because of the hexagonal design. I decided that a better way to do this would be to cut hexagonal shapes. I can now stack them to make a solid structure.

Here is the model being assembled.


Floor Plans

Next, I wanted to try to visualize how the floor layout would look if the structure was built as a residential living space. I have made some simple diagrams in Illustrator to try and show my ideas.


Animated Model


Concept Art

Project Proposal

Please click here to download   Executive Summary   

Evaluation & Critical Feedback

Throughout this project, I have looked at different options and concepts for designing an architectural structure.  I have used different software to produce my final results and also taught myself how to use new software to aid in my design process. I have designed and built a 3D model of my final concept and also designed concept art to show the concept in situ. I think my 3D model could have been better and would look at the design process differently in any future projects. I feel that I have achieved all my goals to a high standard within a tight timeframe of just 4 weeks. Overall I am happy with all my outcomes.

(Awaiting presentation for group crit)


Health & Safety

I have used the workshops throughout this project and adhered to health and safety guidelines within. When using machinery to cut material I have used the safety guards and made sure there are no trailing cables that could cause people to trip. I have used safety goggles and aprons provided to protect my eyes skin and clothing and secured any loose clothing so that it does not get caught in any moving parts of the machinery. When using any adhesives I have made sure there is adequate ventilation and used a mask when necessary so that I or anyone else is not breathing in any toxic fumes.